Newsletter: June 2022

  • Celia Hay

Hi everyone

We are delighted to recommend to ASI that Jessica Wood, Angela Allan and Suraj GC represent the New Zealand Sommeliers and Wine Professionals at the ASI Association of Sommeliers International Boot Camp in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from September 11- 14, 2022.

Sign up Now for the National Wine Tasting competition 
Christchurch: Tuesday 28 June 5pm - 7pm at Ara Institute of Technology
Auckland: Sunday 3 July 3.30 - 5.30pm at NZ School of Food and Wine
Wairarapa: Monday 4 July 6.00 - 8.30pm at Martinborough Town Hall
Hawkes Bay: Tuesday 5 July 4pm - 6pm at EIT Eastern Institute of Technology

On Sunday 31 July, we will host the Final of National Wine Tasting Competition along with the NZ Sommelier Competitions at NZ School of Food and Wine and we are looking forward to hosting two champion Australian Sommeliers at this event.

Celia Hay

New Zealand Sommeliers at ASI Bootcamp - Kuala Lumpur

ASI bootcamp in Asia & Oceania is an intensive training camp for junior sommeliers to build and refine their skills and excite them about our hospitality world.

NZ Sommeliers and Wine Professionals will host training sessions culminating in the NZ Sommelier and Junior Sommelier of the Year Competition on Sunday 31 July 2022. Top candidates will be invited to travel to Malaysia to attend this unique event and opportunity to build skills and talent.

We are delighted to recommend to ASI that Jessica Wood, Angela Allan and Suraj GC represent the New Zealand Sommeliers and Wine Professionals at the ASI Association of Sommeliers International Boot Camp in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from September 11- 14, 2022.

L to R: Jessica Woods, Suraj GC, Angela Allan

Read the full story here

New Zealand National Wine Tasting Competition will take place in 4 regions of New Zealand: Auckland, Christchurch, Wairarapa and Hawke's Bay.


How it works - 
Get together a group of 4 people to compete at your regional venue. 

One member needs to download the APP Kahoot on their phone or laptop and bring this to the competition. Kahoot is free to register as we own a license. The questions will be shared and counted electronically.

Teams are presented with a series of 8 wines (4 white and 4 red) and asked 5 questions about each wine. Points are allocated for the correct answers with different weightings. Time is limited. 

The National Final will be held in Auckland on Sunday, 31 July 2022. There will also be an open category for you to join and compete with the regional winners. 

More information.

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ASI Tutorial: Sparkling Wine Service

Following the launch of the ASI Sommelier Guidelines in 2021, ASI has produced a series of videos on service techniques.
This month's featured tutorial is Sparkling Wine Service.

The purpose of this task is to present, open and serve sparkling wine in a safe and professional manner. 

You can watch all the video tutorials on YouTube. This effort, produced on behalf of all sommeliers, and designed to support ASI’s member associations like us.


Read more.


New Zealand Sommelier of the Year Awards 2022

New Zealand Sommelier of the Year Awards will take place on Sunday, 31 July 2022.

Sunday, 31 July 2022. Starts at 9.30am 

  • 2:00pm  NZ Sommeliers and Wine Professionals AGM  
  • 2:30pm - 4.00pm  - NZ National Wine Tasting Competition: Teams of 4 people with groups coming from around New Zealand.
  • 4:00pm - 6.30pm -  NZ Sommelier and Wine Professional Partners Wine POP UP Tasting
  • 5:00pm NZ Sommelier Final with 3 Finalists competing together 
  • 6:30pm - 10:00pm New Zealand Sommeliers and Wine Professionals Awards Dinner

Winners announced during dinner

  • New Zealand Sommelier 
  • New Zealand Junior Sommelier 
  • New Zealand Young Wine Professional winners

Venue: New Zealand School of Food and Wine
Level 3, 104 Customs Street West, Viaduct, Auckland

Register here

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