AGM Agenda 2019

  • Celia Hay

Agenda for the 2nd AGM of the New Zealand Sommeliers and Wine Professionals Association 28 July 2019

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of New Zealand Sommeliers and Wine Professionals Association Inc will be held at the New Zealand School of Food and Wine Level 4, 103 Customs Street West, Auckland 1010 at 5pm on Sunday 28 July 2019.

1. Minutes from 2018

2. The Chair/President’s report on the business of the Association

3. The Treasurer’s report on the finances of the Association, and the Annual FinancialStatements to be returned and uploaded to

4. Election of CommitteeMembers

b) Motions to be considered:

Motion:That Bob Campbell MWbe appointed the Honorary Patron for a term of two years.
Cameron Douglas has resigned as patron and Bob Campbell MW, who is a foundation member has agreed to accept this honorary role.

Motion:That Marek Przyborekis elected to the management committee.
Marek was appointed to the committee at the July 8 Meeting. All other committee members do not come up for re-election until AGM 2020.

5. General business


Rules of the Association AGM

.     30. Quorum

No Association Meeting may be held unless at no less than 20% of eligible Members are present personally or by proxy. This shall constitute a quorum.

.     16. Appointment of CommitteeMembers

At the Annual General Meeting, the Members may decide by majority vote to appoint committee members for not more 24 months. Only Professional Members of the Association may be Committee Members.

. a) The Committee shall comprise no less than three (3) Members and no more than eight (8) at any one time.

. b) The Association may by ordinary resolution at an Annual General Meeting increase the number of Committee Members and may decrease the number of Committee Members to not less than two (2).

. c) In the event of the vacation of office of a Committee Member, the Committee may appoint any Professional Member to fill the casual vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting

17. Officers of the Association:

The officers of the Association shall consist of:

The Patron

The Patron shall be appointed for a term of 24 calendar months from the date of the first annual general meeting. It isintendedthatthepatronbeapersonofhighstandingandrespectinourcommunityandpromotesandreflectsthe values of the community.


The Chairman shall be elected by the Committee from one of their number at the first meeting of the Committee following an Annual General Meeting and will hold office for two years. The Chairman shall be eligible for re- election as chairman/president.

.     The Chairman is responsible for convening meetings, chairing meetings,

.     Overseeing the operation of theAssociation;

.     Providing a report on the operations of the Association at each Annual GeneralMeeting.


17c) Secretary/Treasurer

The Secretary/Treasurer may be appointed by the Committee from the elected members or from outside of the committee and shall take on such roles and responsibilities as required by the Committee.

If the Secretary Treasurer is appointed from outside the committee, he/she shall have no voting right on the committee.

.     Recording the minutes of Meetings;New Zealand Sommeliers and Wine Professionals Association Constitution

.     Keeping the Register of Members;

.     Receiving and replying to correspondence as required by theCommittee;

.     Forwarding the annual financial statements for the Association to the Registrar of Incorporated Societies upon their approval by the Members at an Annual General Meeting.

.     Advising the Registrar of Incorporated Societies of any rulechanges.

.     KeepingproperaccountingrecordsoftheAssociation’sfinancialtransactionstoallowtheAssociation’s financial position to be readilyascertained;

.     Preparing annual financial statements for presentation at each Annual General Meeting.These statements should be prepared in accordance with the Association’s accounting policies.

.     Providing a financial report at each Annual General Meeting;

.     Providing financial information to the Committee as the Committee determines.

.       18. Elections

The officers of the Association and elected members of the Committee shall be Professional members of the Association and elected by members present and voting at the Annual General Meeting.

.     Nominations for the Committee shall be called for at least 28 days before an Annual General Meeting. Each candidate shall be proposed and seconded in writing by Members and the completed nomination deliveredtotheSecretary.Nominationsshallcloseat5pmontheseventhdaybeforetheAnnualGeneral Meeting.

.     All retiring members of the Committee shall be eligible for re-election.

.     If the position of any Officer becomes vacant between Annual General Meetings, the Committee may appoint another Committee Member to fill that vacancy until the next Annual GeneralMeeting.

Nomination Form 2019

Nominations are called for  committee members: There is one space available in 2019: Nominations Close: Saturday 27 July 2019 at 5pm

We the undersigned, being professional members of the New Zealand Sommeliers and Wine Professionals Society (Association) Inc., wish to nominate the following member for the position below:


Executive Committee Member


Name of member: .............................................................................................


E.Signature .............................................................................................


Nominated by:




Seconded by: Name.............................................................................................

Please return nomination form by Saturday 27 July 2019to:



.     33. Proxies:

The appointment of a proxy must be in writing and given by the member or the member's attorney, duly authorised in writing. The instrument appointing a proxy shall be deemed to confer authority to demand or join in demanding apoll(showofhands).A Member shall be entitled to instruct his or her proxy in favour of or against any proposed resolutions. Unless otherwise instructed the proxy may vote as he or she thinks fit.

Form of Proxy: The instrument appointing a proxy may be in one of the following forms or in a common or usual form:



Proxy option one

I...........................................of ............................................. being a member of the New Zealand Sommeliers and

Wine Professionals Association hereby appoint................................................. of................................................

failing him or her.................................................of.................................................... as my proxy to vote for me on

my behalf at the (annual) general meeting of the New Zealand Sommeliers and Wine Professionals Association to be held on the 28 day of July, 2019 and at any adjournment thereof.


My proxy is hereby authorized to use their discretion in determining my proxy votes. Member:………………………………………………………………..

Signed of ..................................................2019






Proxy option two

I...........................................of ............................................. being a member of the New Zealand Sommeliers and

Wine Professionals Association hereby appoint................................................. of................................................

failing him or her.................................................of.................................................... as my proxy to vote for me on

my behalf at the (annual) general meeting of the New Zealand Sommeliers and Wine Professionals Association to be held on the 28 day of July, 2019  and at any adjournment thereof.


My proxy is hereby authorized to vote in favour of/against the following resolutions: (list) And may use their discretion in the event resolutions are modified after the last date of this proxy appointment.


Member: ………………………………………………………………. Signed of ..................................................2019


.     22. Joining Fees, Subscriptions andLevies

If any Member does not pay a Subscription or levy by the date set by the Committee or the Association, the Secretary will give written notice that, unless the arrears are paid within two months, the Membership will be terminated. After that date, the Member shall (without being released from the obligation of payment of any sums due to the Association, have no Membership rights and shall not be entitled to participate in any Association activity.


New Zealand Sommeliers and WineProfessions

c/o P O Box 106750       Auckland 1143


NZSWP Association 

Executive Committee

21 July 2019

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